I do not have a cereal named after me

From: She of Little Faith
Season 13, Episode 6

6 comments to I do not have a cereal named after me

  • Señor Spielbergo

    I miss Homer’s Cinnamon Donut Cereal.

    This blackboard was cut out of “She of Little Faith” in syndication and replaced with a no-SFX intro, but it can be seen in _three_ Season 15 episodes there: “The Fat and the Furriest”, “Today I am a Clown”, and “My Big Fat Geek Wedding” (the first and third of which did not have a blackboard originally).

  • Russell Jermee

    As did Hanna Barbera cartoon families, the Jetsons and the Flintstones, The Flintstones breakfast cereals were fruity pebbles, Cocoa pebbles, Dino pebbles, and Fred’s Cinna-Crunch pebbles. There are used to be C-3PO’s and Mr. T cereal and Scooby Doo also had a cereal named after him called Scooby Doo’s cinnamon bones, The teenage mutant ninja turtles also had a cereal named after them called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cereal and count Chocula, Boo Berry, and Frankenberry had cereals named after them also fruit brute and yummy mummy.

  • Russell Jernee

    I’m always a huge fan of cartoon characters having breakfast cereals named aftzr them

  • Russell Jernee

    I’m always a huge fan of cartoon characters having breakfast cereals named after them

  • Russell Jernee

    So does captain crunch and buzz lightyear and Mickey mouse

  • Russell Jernee

    Shortly in the States, Lisa had Lisa Simpson’s crispix and Bart had Bart’s peanut butter chocolate crunch, and in the U.K. Bart had Eat my Shorts and no problem-o’s.