I am not a 32 year old woman

The Simpsons [2x06] Dead Putting Society

From: Dead Putting Society
Season 2, Episode 6

6 comments to I am not a 32 year old woman

  • Señor Spielbergo

    Was this episode held over from an earlier date? According to IMDb, Nancy Cartwright (the voice of Bart) was born October 25, 1957, making her 33 (not 32) when this was originally seen on November 15, 1990.

  • typogenerator

    That was my thought as well, although I don’t have the answer.

  • Miranda Jeralds

    But that would be right I’m not a 32 year old woman if she was 33 not 32 then the writing would be correct

  • Bobo Smooth

    I think the joke is that she says she’s 32 and that’s why Bart is having to write it on the chalkboard.

  • Damonika Stephens

    When the episode was made Nancy was 32. So it makes sense. Lol.

  • Johnson mary

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    18-65 की उम्र। हम आपको सब देते हैं
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